6 Reasons Why Historical Romance is Worth the Read

6 Reasons Why Historical Romance is Worth the Read

At this point you’ve probably heard all there is to know about Bridgertons. However, when you are a lover of Regency/Historical Romance like me, the conversation is never over. I’ve waited for this moment, folks! It’s my time to S-H-I-N-E! So while people are interested, I want to convert as many people to the genre as possible. I need people to talk to. It’s that simple.

With that in mind, here are six reasons why regency/historical romance are worthy of reading!

The Time Period

I feel like people get put off from any genre that has historical in front of it because they think it will be stuffy and boring like history class was (actually I loved history class, but that’s a discussion for another day). Folks, it’s not a history textbook, I promise, and you won’t have to know anything beforehand. Yup, you read that right. Anyway, if you are someone who struggles to read fantasy (like me), but still want to escape from reading about the world you already live in, historical romance or fiction is where it’s at. You get to escape to a world that isn’t too unlike our own that you would be lost, but different enough to satisfy your desire to escape. No wizards and dragons here. Just gentlemen wearing cravats and women wearing corsets. Fiddle-dee-dee!

You Might Actually Learn Something

You know how I just said you didn’t have to know anything beforehand to understand what is going on? I may have lied a wee bit, but I certainly have never done homework involving reading a novel set in Regency Era England, for instance. Sure, you may have to Google once in a while to figure out what in the world they are talking about (current events of the time, clothing pieces, food, etc.), but nothing is so major that you would be lost. To be fair, everything I know about England is from historical romance novels and I am not ashamed to admit it. It’s actually come in handy!

The Sex Scenes

Okay, this can be hit and miss. While I have yet to encounter a historical romance novel that has used the “fade to black” tool of writing a sex scene, they do differ from contemporary romance novels. Keep in mind, the language is different. So, if there are words that would offend you, the odds of them being used in a historical romance novel are lower. What am I getting at? The sex scenes are softer, for a lack of a better word. The “dirty talk” can hardly be called that when compared to some of what I find in contemporary sex scenes. Long story short, they aren’t as jarring. Now, if you are someone who doesn’t like to read sex scenes, unfortunately, they still occur. Though, they may be more manageable. Of course, I leave the choice to your discretion.

Rules of Engagement

Life back in the day was different. I think we can all agree on that. So, when it came to dating, well, we are looking at a whole new world (as Aladdin would say). There are a ton of rules revolving around interactions between men and women. So much so, that is actually adds an interesting element to the plot. No one is swiping right, there are no late night drunk texts, you can’t just “hang out” or make out behind the bleachers. You need to court, people. There were guidelines to follow, especially if you didn’t want to cause a scandal. That means how our hero and heroine get together is actually interesting. Why? Because no one is dating like this anymore, that’s for sure!

Small touches like this become BIG moments.

They Are Usually Part of a Series

You know when you read a book and it has all these amazing side characters and you wish they all had their own book? Well, you’re in luck. Romance series are known for giving everyone their chance to be on centre stage. Whether it’s a group of friends or a family, I love getting to learn about these characters by getting to see their world through their perspective. The beauty of this is that the series doesn’t get old and tired. Think of all those YA books where you have three or four books from only ONE character’s perspective? Gah. No thanks.

Read Them as a Standalone

Speaking of series, one of the best features about this genre is you can more often than not read any book in the series as a stand alone. There have been plenty of times (before I starting using Goodreads religiously) when I’ve pick up a book not knowing it was part of a series or where it was in a series and read it. And guess what? The world didn’t end. I wasn’t lost at all. Yes, they do mention things that happened in previous books, but nothing so monumental that you will be lost. Remember, you are getting this character’s story. So, while you will see their friends or family come in and out of scenes, you can pick up the book and just enjoy it for what it is.

Do you plan on reading more regency/historical romance now that you’ve watched Bridgertons? If so, what’s on your list?


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Published by Samantha (Bibliomavens)

With a degree in English and Philosophy, a diploma in Public Relations, and a certificate in Publishing, you could say I like to collect expensive pieces of paper. Whatever my reason, I use my love of words to finesse a brand’s unique brand story. Throughout my time writing for a variety of industries (financial, post-secondary, non-profit, hospitality, real estate, business services, publishing, etc.), I gained experience writing content for a number of mediums that include, but are not limited to, brochures, social media content, website, digital and print ads, press releases, media advisories, presentations, blogs, and so on. Essentially, if it involves letters, I'm your gal. (Ok, I realize math and science involve letters, too. Just go with it.) Fun facts for kicks: a voracious reader (seems fitting), competitive board game player (cracks knuckles), champion retail sale finder (waves to the cheering crowd), a knight of the random facts round table (not useful for a zombie apocalypse), television and movie addict (pass the popcorn), and advocate for the oxford comma (take note).

9 thoughts on “6 Reasons Why Historical Romance is Worth the Read

  1. I love them.
    I read the Bridgertons and then the Wallflower series and Ravenels by Lisa Keyplas.
    And now I don’t have a clue on what to read, I might look into something within Kindle unlimited.
    But I agree on the reasons for loving historical romance.


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